

过渡动画有利于增强 UI 的表现力并且让人更易于使用。

Material UI 提供了一系列的过渡效果,你可以将一些基本的 动作 添加到你的应用组件中。

Collapse 折叠

从子元素的起始边缘开始展开。 如果你需要水平折叠,请使用 orientation 属性。 collapsedHeight 属性可以用于设置未扩展时的最小高度值。

Fade 淡入淡出


  control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
<Box sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
  <Fade in={checked}>{icon}</Fade>

Grow 扩展

Expands outwards from the center of the child element, while also fading in from transparent to opaque.

The second example demonstrates how to change the transform-origin, and conditionally applies the timeout prop to change the entry speed.

  control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
<Box sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
  <Grow in={checked}>{icon}</Grow>
  {/* Conditionally applies the timeout prop to change the entry speed. */}
    style={{ transformOrigin: '0 0 0' }}
    {...(checked ? { timeout: 1000 } : {})}

Slide 滑动

从屏幕边缘滑入。 使用 direction 属性能够控制从屏幕的哪一个边缘开始过渡。

过渡组件的 mountOnEnter 属性,保证了只有 intrue时,子组件才会被渲染。 这可以保证相对上定位好的组件不会从屏幕外面的位置滚动到视图中。 同样的, 在组件从屏幕中过渡完后,unmountOnExit 属性将次组件从 DOM 中移除。

<Box sx={{ width: `calc(100px + 16px)` }}>
    control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
  <Slide direction="up" in={checked} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit>

Slide relative to a container

The Slide component also accepts container prop, which is a reference to a DOM node. If this prop is set, the Slide component will slide from the edge of that DOM node. If this prop is set, the Slide component will slide from the edge of that DOM node.


Zoom 放大



  control={<Switch checked={checked} onChange={handleChange} />}
<Box sx={{ display: 'flex' }}>
  <Zoom in={checked}>{icon}</Zoom>
  <Zoom in={checked} style={{ transitionDelay: checked ? '500ms' : '0ms' }}>

TransitionGroup 动画组

  • 为了更好地支持服务器渲染,Material UI 为一些动画组件的子组件提供了一个 style 属性,(Fade, Grow, Zoom, Slide)。 为了让动画如期实现,必须将 style 属性应用到 DOM 上。
  • Forward the ref: The transition components require the first child element to forward its ref to the DOM node. For more details about ref, check out Caveat with refs For more details about ref, check out Caveat with refs For more details about ref, check out Caveat with refs
  • Single element: The transition components require only one child element (React.Fragment is not allowed).
// 'props' 对象包含一个 'style' 属性。
// 你需要将这个属性提供给 `div` 元素,如下所示。
const MyComponent = React.forwardRef((props, ref) {
  return (
    <div ref={ref} {...props}>

export default Main() {
  return (
      {/* MyComponent must the only child */}
      <MyComponent />

TransitionComponent 属性

To animate a component when it is mounted or unmounted, you can use the TransitionGroup component from react-transition-group. As components are added or removed, the in prop is toggled automatically by TransitionGroup. As components are added or removed, the in prop is toggled automatically by TransitionGroup.

  • 🍏 Apple
  • 🍌 Banana
  • 🍍 Pineapple
<Box sx={{ mt: 1 }}>
      {fruitsInBasket.map((item) => (
        <Collapse key={item}>
          {renderItem({ item, handleRemoveFruit })}

TransitionComponent 属性

有些 Material UI 组件在内部也在使用这些过渡动画。 它们接受一个 TransitionComponent 属性来定制默认的动画。 您可以使用上述的任何组件或者是您自己的组件。 它应遵守以下条件:

  • 接受一个 in 属性。 这对应于打开/关闭的状态。
  • 当进入过渡时调用 onEnter 回调属性。
  • 当退出过渡完成后应该调用 onExited 回调属性。 这两个回调属性保证了当在一个关闭的状态并展示完过渡动画时,才会移除子内容。

For more information on creating a custom transition, visit the react-transition-group Transition documentation. 你还可以访问一些组件的专用部分: 你还可以访问一些组件的专用部分:

Performance & SEO

The content of transition component is mounted by default even if in={false}. This default behavior has server-side rendering and SEO in mind. The content of transition component is mounted by default even if in={false}. This default behavior has server-side rendering and SEO in mind. The content of transition component is mounted by default even if in={false}. This default behavior has server-side rendering and SEO in mind. If you render expensive component trees inside your transition it might be a good idea to change this default behavior by enabling the unmountOnExit prop:

<Fade in={false} unmountOnExit />

不过对所有情况下的性能优化,这并不是灵丹妙药。 Be sure to identify bottlenecks first and then try out these optimization strategies.