


当它触发时, Tooltips 会显示标识一个元素的文本标签,比如对该功能的描述。


<Tooltip title="Delete">
    <DeleteIcon />


Tooltip 有 12 个位置 选项。 它们没有方向箭头,而是依靠源头发出的运动来传递方向。


你可以参考以下一些例子来自定义组件。 您可以在 重写文档页面 中了解更多有关此内容的信息。


您可以通过添加 arrow 属性向提示标签增加箭头指示器,从而可以凸显所指示的元素。

<Tooltip title="Add" arrow>


文字提示组件需要将 DOM 事件监听器应用到其子元素当中。 如果子元素是自定义的 React 组件,你需要确保它能够将其属性传播到底部的 DOM 元素。

const MyComponent = React.forwardRef(function MyComponent(props, ref) {
  // 将属性传递给底部的 DOM 元素。
  return <div {...props} ref={ref}>Bin</div>

// ...

<Tooltip title="删除">

<Tooltip title="删除">




The touch action requires a long press due to the enterTouchDelay prop being set to 700ms by default.


You can use the open, onOpen and onClose props to control the behavior of the tooltip.

<Tooltip open={open} onClose={handleClose} onOpen={handleOpen} title="Add">


Tooltip 为了保证较好的阅读性,会自动将较长的文字折行。

<Tooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>Default Width [300px]</Button>
<CustomWidthTooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>Custom Width [500px]</Button>
<NoMaxWidthTooltip title={longText}>
  <Button sx={{ m: 1 }}>No wrapping</Button>


Tooltips are interactive by default (to pass WCAG 2.1 success criterion 1.4.13). 若用户在 leaveDelay 过期之前将鼠标悬停在工具提示上时,它则不会被关闭。 It won't close when the user hovers over the tooltip before the leaveDelay is expired. You can disable this behavior (thus failing the success criterion which is required to reach level AA) by passing disableInteractive. You can disable this behavior (thus failing the success criterion which is required to reach level AA) by passing disableInteractive.

<Tooltip title="Add" disableInteractive>
  <Button>Not interactive</Button>


默认情况下,<Button>等 disabled 的元素不会触发用户交互,因此Tooltip不会在 hover 等正常事件上激活显示。 若想容纳已禁用的元素激活工具提示,请添加一个简单的包装元素,如 span

⚠️ 为了在 Safari 中正常显示,在文字提示的包装组件中,您至少需要一个 display 为 block 或 flex 的元素。

<Tooltip title="You don't have permission to do this">
    <Button disabled>A Disabled Button</Button>

如果你没有包装从 ButtonBase 继承的 Material UI 组件,譬如一个原生的 <button> 元素,当禁用元素的时候,你应该将 pointer-events: none; 这个 CSS 属性添加到您的元素中:

<Tooltip title="您没有足够的操作权限">
    <button disabled={disabled} style={disabled ? { pointerEvents: 'none' } : {}}>
      A disabled button
</Tooltip> { pointerEvents: 'none' } : {}}>
      A disabled button


Use a different transition.

<Tooltip title="Add">
  TransitionProps={{ timeout: 600 }}
<Tooltip TransitionComponent={Zoom} title="Add">


You can enable the tooltip to follow the cursor by setting followCursor={true}.

Disabled Action
<Tooltip title="You don't have permission to do this" followCursor>
  <Box sx={{ bgcolor: 'text.disabled', color: 'background.paper', p: 2 }}>
    Disabled Action


In the event you need to implement a custom placement, you can use the anchorEl prop: The value of the anchorEl prop can be a reference to a fake DOM element. You need to create an object shaped like the VirtualElement. You need to create an object shaped like the VirtualElement.



当用户的鼠标悬浮在该元素时工具提示会立即显示,并且当用户鼠标离开时立即隐藏。 A delay in showing or hiding the tooltip can be added through the enterDelay and leaveDelay props, as shown in the Controlled Tooltips demo above.

在移动设备上使用时,用户长按元素就会显示出文字提示,并且持续 1500ms 之后就会自动隐藏。 You can disable this feature with the disableTouchListener prop.

<Tooltip title="Add" enterDelay={500} leaveDelay={200}>
  <Button>[500ms, 200ms]</Button>


(WAI-ARIA: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#tooltip)

By default, the tooltip only labels its child element. By default, the tooltip only labels its child element. This is notably different from title which can either label or describe its child depending on whether the child already has a label. For example, in: For example, in:

<button title="some more information">一个按钮</button>

the title acts as an accessible description. the title acts as an accessible description. If you want the tooltip to act as an accessible description you can pass describeChild. Note that you shouldn't use describeChild if the tooltip provides the only visual label. Otherwise, the child would have no accessible name and the tooltip would violate success criterion 2.5.3 in WCAG 2.1. Note that you shouldn't use describeChild if the tooltip provides the only visual label. Otherwise, the child would have no accessible name and the tooltip would violate success criterion 2.5.3 in WCAG 2.1.

<Tooltip title="Delete">
    <DeleteIcon />
<Tooltip describeChild title="Does not add if it already exists.">